My quintuple lay report from the last 8 days

Since I decided to take a night off I figured I’ll post this five lays report from the last 8 days

I went to San Francisco for the summer to work and decided to dedicate my time to learn Tinder game. A) because this would work well with my full-time work schedule and B) because I am away from home and don’t have my OC all-star wingman team with me which decreases the fun of going out.

Other reasons why I think it’s good to learn online game:

  • As with technology online game will only ever get bigger.
  • The easiest way for a girl to get laid with zero social repercussions is online

Bought Jeffys Execute The Program and have been implementing the last 5 weeks. Slowly results are starting to come in with last 5 weeks: 9 lays, 6 from tinder, 5 in the last 8 days

Here is my general approach with comments around Jeffy’s program. If you want to be serious about text game you should get it.

In General

Get an opener and copy paste or on iPhone make a keyboard shortcut. Don’t use Jeffys opener. I tried it and one girl actually told me this was the third time she heard that exact opener.

Follow Jeffy’s conversation guidelines but find things that resonate with your own humor. Many things Jeffy says are specific to his style. I do however follow a lot of his ideas for texts wrapped in my own way of saying it

Get professional pictures. I largely attribute them to making the recent rampage possible. Furthermore, photoshop your non-professional pictures. Follow Jeffy’s guidelines for that. It’s actually fun because you see yourself looking better and better.

Keep working on your profile. Your profile is like a little piece of art. You should keep chipping away at it until it’s right. When I started my bio was total shit, my pictures were all over the place. Now I know that my profile is good because every time I look at it I am making an evil laugh. I have gathered funny ideas over the weeks. My current profile is actually inspired by something a girl said to me. Make yourself laugh, with your messages and with your profile

Be polarizing. You’ve got to stand out from the sea of idiots. The best way to do this is by using your own sense of humor. That is another reason why you shouldn’t copy Jeffys messages.

Amuse yourself but don’t be too crass. There is a line. You can and will get reported and you don’t wanna get your account suspended. I personally have reported a lot of girls, even #4 below which I ended up banging

Keep asking yourself what’s my weakest point out of the following elements: Profile, Opener, 2nd message, Intermediate online, Number close, Phone opening, Phone conversation, Date set up texts, Date arrangements (location etc.), Date itself. Then improve that point

Don’t put too much importance on the date. If she wants to fuck, you will, whatever the logistics.

Text game is cumulative. The first two weeks will be hard. But keep writing down funny texts and keep trying to put them into some sort of funnel. You will see that girls always reply the same things to your opener and other messages. Now it rarely takes me longer than 10 seconds to know what the correct response is.

My weekly stats are roughly like this

  • 200 matches a week
  • 30 number requests
  • 15 numbers closed
  • 4 dates (remaining days I keep for fuck buddies, resting and regular going out. Rest day can be much more important than you think. Hanging out with guy friends is equally good, since this Tinder thing compared to normal game is a lot more solitary)

In dates I expect a 30% fail rate meaning that roughly a third of girls will turn out to either look totally different or you really don’t get along in person. But you can also expect 30% to be ready to fuck after 20 minutes

Other things

In my opinion advanced game is a lot about

  • strong boundaries
  • being the prize

That means I will not adopt to her plans. However, the reason boundaries are not easy is because sometimes you have to adopt a little. You just need to know where that fine line is.

I often pull back a lot. If she becomes proactive towards the date I throw obstacles in the way to get her to invest more.

Screening, as Jeffy also says, is a very important part of this. Some girls will meet with you within two hours of the text interaction. However they either turn out to be absolute socially awkward weirdos who didn’t read the subcontext or they are the easiest lays ever.

The conversation flow: in the beginning you will be giving a LOT of value. This is because you will dump your accumulated last four weeks of state onto her in 10 messages. Everything I say in the online interaction is extremely funny and on point. However, toward the end of the online part and the middle of the text part you have to pull back. You have to start letting her chase you. Chasing works if she saw how much fun you can be but you are not letting her have it anymore.

In the text interaction I increasingly move towards short, commanding texts. After I bang her those regularly go over into two words for every 10 lines she writes

You will get a feeling for when a push is needed vs. when a pull is needed and have one ready for the situation. A push at the right time can work magic. Equally a value giving text can turn a conversation that’s getting sour back

If the girl wants to lead I let her. I find that girls who know what they want are easier to bang if you just go along. However I am obviously ready to take the lead any time

When to set dates: In the beginning I used to set up my dates in advance. Now I only do it on the day. On the day is really in your favor because it gives you the most time to make your best choice. Nothing is worse than if you have a really nice one who is ready to go but then you already have another one lined up that you don’t want to flake on

Date set up text: The transition from online to phone and from phone to date are clearly the most unpredictable ones. The former you shouldnt care. The latter you already invested a bit though. My general set up for date day is to have 3 to 6 new numbers lined up  (I haven’t asked them out before). Sometimes first one says yes sometimes all 6 say no. That is rare though. After I have gone through these I start texting ones where it didn’t work out before or reply to leads that I have let run dry. In general if I don’t decide that it’s a good opportunity to take a day out there’s always a way to get a date.

Flakes: A real flake actually only happened once so far where the girl told me an hour before she can’t make it. I did once flake on a girl where she turned up to the bar but I had decided to meet another girl and assumed that if I don’t text her again she’ll assume it’s off. Generally if your inner game is on spot you won’t get flakes.

How much: I do 30 mins Tinder in the morning on my commute: replying to messages, sending new openers, messaging with ones that reply immediately and replying to texts. Then I do another 30mins on the way back. Sometimes I do another session in my lunch break. Or when my date is shitty I do another one before bedtime. In between I don’t write on Tinder.

Around 8 am on my morning commute I send the first date text (or what’s leading up to it). Like Jeffy says I try to have it wrapped up by 3pm. Sometimes getting the date set up can take some back and forth which is not great at work but at the moment I don’t see any way to avoid that.

Attitude: 95% of game is done before the date. That is: your profile, your funnel, text game, date set up.

Date set up: You will have to work with what you have. My first location in SF I had a great bar but shitty neighborhood and bar far away. Now I have shitty bar 10mins footwalk from my house. So I tend to tell them to meet at that bar, then 30mins before that I say they should come to my address and we walk there together. Then I say I don’t wanna walk there let’s have a drink here and then my patio is right next to my bedroom.

⅘ closes last week were irregular though i.e. she set the location or location was improvised

Dates: I tend to hold back on the make out these days. I just prefer to keep the tension. I also don’t really like slobbering all over each other in bars anymore. So if I see a good opportunity I kiss her quickly in the bar but then only again outside or at home

Numbers game: This game is really about the numbers. The rates can be very good though. By that I mean. The dates I bang were all very easy. I almost didn’t do anything. Half of them the girls told me if I want to go back to their pad and hang out or just walked me back to their room. When I had to close they were ridiculously easy or I just got along with them so it was natural. Then again, the dates that don’t go anywhere, I don’t think I could have ever pulled them. So don’t freak out if a date isn’t good – as Julien says in Pimp: how do you shoot a goal in ice hockey? By putting the puck in front of the net. So keep putting the puck in front of the net and you’ll score.

To break these last 5 down

#1 American Starbucks girl (Sunday)

First time I asked her out she didn’t reply properly. It didn’t work out. After I put my new pictures online she asked when I will take her out. The day before the date she texted me asking what I was doing that she wanted to see if I wanted to hang out – I declined. On date day I was first planning to meet with her at the bar but then she was 20 mins late and I went home again and told her there’s no need for her to come anymore. Back and forth I told her she can come here and we can walk together…then regular routine explained above. Made out with: how tall are you – I see, I can put my chin on your head – make out. Lol most retarded routine I have ever come up with.


#2 Filipino (Tuesday)

I vibed pretty good with her on Tinder already. So when she asked me to meet I cancelled my other date in favor of her. Told me to meet her at her address downtown. Not as good as her pictures but do-able. Walked all the way to Mission to a bar. After half the drink she asks if I smoke pot. I noticed that girls regularly use this as a pulling technique. Anyway, she is like: let’s hang out at my place and talk. I didn’t actually like her that much, I thought she was pretentious. Back at hers make out and proceed quickly to her bedroom. Her puppy is also in the bedroom. While she’s licking my balls the puppy starts to lick my face. I think he wanted to participate. Anyway, after massive boner problems due to puppy I finally bang her and she seems like another satisfied customer.

#3 The Indian 19 yr old (Friday)

Tried to get her out on Thursday but she had plans with her friends and she suggested Friday. Friday comes and I want to take the night off to regain energy. Also I don’t like to go along if they suggest another day. However by midnight I feel I have enough energy again. Start texting with her and she’s very into me but by all means doesn’t want to come out. Next day I have plans with my girlfriend and Sunday she’s leaving. So I try to get her out. Over the next hour and a half of text and Facetime I essentially repeat ‘I think we should meet now’ while she says ‘nothing good happens after 2 am’. I continue just for the sake of it. Then at some point, for some reason she just starts to give in. Lol, never saw that coming. We end up meeting at a diner in the Castro at 2am, talk, make out after 20 mins, then more make out after. While we’re making out I call a Lyft and when it arrives she just gets in without much questioning. At home pretty much immediately fuck.

#4 Texan (Sunday)

So for Sunday I didn’t have any date planned. But after GF left I got on Tinder and kinda got into the mood. GF is first Tinder lay from here and still hottest and best character which I honor.

Anyway Sunday, I start to hit up a few leads until I get a ‘Come over tonight?’ opener from a girl. I continue in text being a little suspicious. In retrospect this is probably the funniest text conversation because I was really trying to figure her out. Throughout the second picture I actually reported her on Tinder for inappropriate behavior because I thought she was a hooker.


Before the ‘Lol wtf’ she gave me a call and there seemed to be tons of people in the back and I barely understood her. She turns out to be with random guys by the bar and pretty drunk. My ego is a little hurt because I expected to have her all to myself. Anyway with arms crossed I stay. She asks me questions every now and then between talking to the other people. Eventually the other people leave and we head towards her room. When we get there her friends from home Facetime her after she sends them a picture of me. She puts me on the Facetime and her friends are like “Promise you’re gonna fuck my roomate!” so I’m like “okey”.

She lies on her bed with pants off and literally waits for me to fuck her. So I do the duty. She actually turns out to have a very substantial nice round ass. Unfortunately she also turns out to be too drunk to give a good show. Half-way through she passes out and I jerk myself off. However it’s not even 9pm. Since I came here only 40 minutes passed….

#5 The Persian (Sunday)

Meanwhile three other girls have replied the texts being:

  1. I’m in Marina
  2. Well, now I’m relaxing with a glass of wine.
  3. I might look for a place to get a drink. Idk

I decide on 1). This girl was in fact my very first Tinder date in SF and almost an SNL. However she gave LMR. I did another date with her and she gave LMR again which caused me to get angry and kick her out of my house upon which she started to cry. When her uber I arrived she begged to stay but I reminded her that I think her driver is waiting. Lol. So earlier that day, 4 weeks later she had invited me for brunch but I was with my top girl and also didn’t want to spend my afternoon there. At this time of night and especially with still the pussy from the other girl on me I figured she would be a good bet. Meeting with her near her house this one was however a little slower. Listened to 2 hours of her pretentious bullshit, then watched her do some POI stuff (these lights things that the hippies on festivals do – she works in finance, well…). When she asked if I am coming inside in a tone that made her sound as if she didn’t want to I said I am coming inside. Inside I drank a beer on her sofa whilst blasting some things that annoy me off my chest, she starts to make out with me and this time no LMR.

So if you have made it till here thank you. I have drunk half a six pack in the mean time. Other things I also draw inspiration from:

This song

This article about Holly Madison. I don’t think that this was the idea but it really points out some of Hugh Hefner’s pimping techniques. Jealousy plotlines, unpredictability, all there lol

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